Friday, January 19, 2007

Yellow Lines and Dead Armadillos

In an LA Times article that is ostensibly about college freshman attitudes regarding gay marriage, a more telling fact arises: Moderation is dying (and thank god for it!).

    The percentage of students identifying themselves as "liberal," 28.4%, is at its highest level since 1975, and those identifying as "conservative," 23.9%, at its highest level in the survey's 40-year history.

    However, the majority of 2006's freshman students, 43.3%, consider themselves "middle-of-the-road," the lowest percentage since first measured by the research program in 1970.

I don't want to brush over the importance of the gay marriage issue - this study showed that support for marriage equality was at an all-time high. But while our political elite has been led to believe that the electorate has become more moderate, this study shows that liberalism and conservatism are alive and well.

In the minds of Party vote counters, the squishy middle of the electorate appears to be in increasing with number of "Independent" voters. But who came up with the genius assertion that Independent voters are some kind of undefined middle of the road blob? The fact is that Independent voters in Santa Monica are more lefty and highly Democratic voting than actual registered Democrats in other parts of the state. And the same can be said for the Republican voting habits of Orange County Independents.

Politicians who attempt to cater to a seemingly moderating electorate do so at their own peril. This is one way in which Rove was Right. Tell us something that will excite - not someting watered down in an attempt to not offend!

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