Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Here comes 2008!

This weekend saw a very interesting Democratic Party delegate selections in the 21st Senate District. Dario Frommer was a no-show in his old Assembly District and all of the delegate slots went to Krekorian loyalists.

This means that Frommer won't even be able to count on his old Assembly district for Democratic Party endorsement votes. It is unbelievable that the former Majority Leader of the State Assembly and former staffer to the State Party Chairman Art Torres could lose a Democratic Party endorsement, but that is apparently on the table after his no-show this weekend.

In the nearby 23rd Senate District, Lloyd Levine was working to earn delegate slots in order to block the endorsement of Fran Pavley. While he did well in his own Assembly District, Pavley held her own in her 41st District, and the 39th District was overrun by Alex Padilla troops. With Lloyd's active opposition to Padilla in the 2006 Senate contest, these are unlikely to be his delegates.

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