Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Parody Me!

This was a great last couple days for the Legislature's public relations efforts. First Saturday Night Live took a stab at Sally Leiber's spanking bill, then on Monday night Lloyd Levine made #5 on the Colbert Report's Threat Down.

It seems that these Assemblymembers are following the media truism that "any press is good press," but doesn't it seem like they're fiddling around with this kind of nonsense while thousands of homeless are stuck on the street, millions of our kids don't have a shred of economic opportunity, our healthcare system is broken, and real global warming solutions (like getting rid of SUVs and funding public transportation) are going unaddressed?

Sure, I got one hell of a laugh out of these. And I understand that it is important for legislators to make symbolic moves to draw the public attention, but at what point are they just making a joke out of our state legislature and diminishing the role of public service?


Anonymous said...

The Saturday night live clip is on the SNL website. Totally Hilarious.

Don't know that a bill "getting rid of SUV's" would go without parody, but I get the point.

Can someone find a clip of the Threat Down or put it on You Tube?

Anonymous said...

At the risk of sounding like a broken record (I've posted here about the Levine/Waldman disconnect from real issues), I continue to be shocked by how out of touch with the real issues the Assemblyman from the 40th district is. The Post is absolutely correct - we face critical education challenges in the SFV, growing economic disparity, exponentially increasing traffic problems, etc., and Levine & Co. bring us light bulbs!? Egad. Vote 'em out in '08.

Anonymous said...

Lloyd is just trying desperately to build some kind of credibility on the environment. He should be spending the time looking at his slim chances instead.

He has a tiny portion of the Senate district, and nobody knows who he is. Pavley has the majority of the Senate district, including Santa Monica. She is a National figure.

He reported around $50,000 in the bank, not including campaign debt. Pavley has over $200,000.

Pavley has the dominant issue for 08, the environment. His political consultants think he can win by fighting on her turf? How stupid are they? Lightbulbs?